XDStatistics – 最先进的统计!
- 该插件有非常详细的统计数据。在其中,玩家将能够看到他感兴趣的一切!
- 玩家可以向其他玩家隐藏他们的统计数据,为此您需要授予权限并在配置中启用此功能
- 玩家可以重置他们的统计数据,为此您需要授予权限并在配置中启用此功能
- 管理员可以将某个玩家添加(删除)到忽略列表中,该玩家的统计数据不会被删除,只会被隐藏,不会对其他玩家可见。
- 有机会奖励每个类别或某一特定类别中的前 1 名玩家。奖励是玩家抽完烟后进入服务器时给予的。
- 经济学可以颁发奖项|服务器奖励 | IQ经济|您还可以使用以下命令授予权限或其他内容
- 插件中还有一个积分系统。眼镜在配置中的配置非常详细且方便。最好的玩家是得分最多的玩家。
- 该插件还知道擦除时如何清理数据(在配置中配置)
- 非常漂亮和简单的界面
- 界面的某些部分可以在config中配置
- 目前有 3 个主要页面(我的统计、前 10 名、搜索)
- 如果其他玩家没有隐藏,玩家可以查看其他玩家的页面
- 另外,在配置中,您可以设置与不同类别中排名前 5 的玩家的聊天提醒,这些玩家是使用随机选择的
- 消息可以在lang文件中详细配置
- 您还可以在配置中配置警报频率
- [CHAT] /stat -(打开统计信息(可以在配置中更改))
- [CONSOLE] stat -(打开统计信息(可以在配置中更改))
- [CONSOLE] stat.ignore <add/remove> <steam ID|Name> – (将玩家添加到忽略列表中。同时将其从统计数据中删除)
- XDStatistics.admin -(使用 stat.ignore 命令)
- XDStatistics.reset -(允许玩家重置他的统计数据。您需要在配置中启用此功能)
- XDStatistics.availability -(允许玩家向其他玩家隐藏他的统计数据。需要在配置中启用)
- [Discord] – 添加在擦除结束时向擦除后面最好的玩家发送消息的功能
- 添加武器选项卡,以便玩家可以查看某些武器的详细统计数据
private JObject API_GetAllPlayerStat(ulong id) private JObject API_GetPlayerPlayedTime(ulong id) private Dictionary<string, int> API_GetGathered(ulong id) private int? API_GetAllGathered(ulong id) private int? API_GetGathered(ulong id, string shortname)
The configuration is available in English and Russian
The lang file is available in English and Russian
Configuration example –
{ "Basic plugin settings": { "Chat command for opening statistics": "stat", "Console command to open statistics": "stat", "Send chat messages with top 5 players in different categories": true, "Once in how many seconds will a message be sent ?": 600, "Enable the ability to reset your stats ? (requires XDStatistics.reset)": false, "Enable the ability to hide your statistics from users ? (requires XDStatistics.availability)": true, "Clear data when wiped": true, "Once in a rowman, the data will be saved.": 30 }, "Setting up the issuance of points": { "Points for crafting": 1.0, "Points for barrels": 1.0, "Points for installing building blocks": 1.0, "Points for using explosive items": { "explosive.timed": 2.0, "explosive.satchel": 0.7, "grenade.beancan": 0.3, "grenade.f1": 0.1, "ammo.rocket.basic": 1.0, "ammo.rocket.hv": 0.5, "ammo.rocket.fire": 0.7 }, "Points for resource extraction": { "wood": 0.3, "stones": 0.6, "metal.ore": 1.0, "sulfur.ore": 1.5, "hq.metal.ore": 2.0 }, "Points for found scraps": 0.5, "Points for harvesting (from the plantation)": 0.2, "Points for killing animals": 1.0, "Points for shooting down a helicopter": 5.0, "Points for tank explosion": 5.0, "Points for killing NPCs": 5.0, "Points for killing players": 10.0, "Points for time (for every minute of the game on the server)": 0.2, "How many points to take away for suicide ?": 2.0, "How many points to take away for death ?": 1.0 }, "Customize rewards for top 1 players in each category": { "Reward the best players at the end of the wipe": false, "Award for the top 1 in the SCORE category": { "Use command as a prize ?": true, "[RU]Использовать магазин GameStore для выдачи награды": false, "[RU]Использовать магазин MoscowOVH для выдачи награды": false, "Use [IQEconomic or Economics or Server Rewards] to issue a reward": false, "Command for the prize": [ "say %STEAMID%" ], "[RU][GameStores] ID магазина": "", "[RU][GameStores] ID сервера": "", "[RU][GameStores] Секретный ключ": "", "[RU][GameStores или MoscowOVH] Сколько начислять денег на баланс": 30, "[IQEconomic or Economics or ServerRewards] How much money to add to the balance": 100 }, "Award for the top 1 in the Killer category": { "Use command as a prize ?": true, "[RU]Использовать магазин GameStore для выдачи награды": false, "[RU]Использовать магазин MoscowOVH для выдачи награды": false, "Use [IQEconomic or Economics or Server Rewards] to issue a reward": false, "Command for the prize": [ "say %STEAMID%" ], "[RU][GameStores] ID магазина": "", "[RU][GameStores] ID сервера": "", "[RU][GameStores] Секретный ключ": "", "[RU][GameStores или MoscowOVH] Сколько начислять денег на баланс": 30, "[IQEconomic or Economics or ServerRewards] How much money to add to the balance": 100 }, "Award for the top 1 in the gathering category": { "Use command as a prize ?": true, "[RU]Использовать магазин GameStore для выдачи награды": false, "[RU]Использовать магазин MoscowOVH для выдачи награды": false, "Use [IQEconomic or Economics or Server Rewards] to issue a reward": false, "Command for the prize": [ "say %STEAMID%" ], "[RU][GameStores] ID магазина": "", "[RU][GameStores] ID сервера": "", "[RU][GameStores] Секретный ключ": "", "[RU][GameStores или MoscowOVH] Сколько начислять денег на баланс": 30, "[IQEconomic or Economics or ServerRewards] How much money to add to the balance": 100 }, "Award for the top 1 in the raider category": { "Use command as a prize ?": true, "[RU]Использовать магазин GameStore для выдачи награды": false, "[RU]Использовать магазин MoscowOVH для выдачи награды": false, "Use [IQEconomic or Economics or Server Rewards] to issue a reward": false, "Command for the prize": [ "say %STEAMID%" ], "[RU][GameStores] ID магазина": "", "[RU][GameStores] ID сервера": "", "[RU][GameStores] Секретный ключ": "", "[RU][GameStores или MoscowOVH] Сколько начислять денег на баланс": 30, "[IQEconomic or Economics or ServerRewards] How much money to add to the balance": 100 }, "Award for the top 1 in the Big Online category": { "Use command as a prize ?": true, "[RU]Использовать магазин GameStore для выдачи награды": false, "[RU]Использовать магазин MoscowOVH для выдачи награды": false, "Use [IQEconomic or Economics or Server Rewards] to issue a reward": false, "Command for the prize": [ "say %STEAMID%" ], "[RU][GameStores] ID магазина": "", "[RU][GameStores] ID сервера": "", "[RU][GameStores] Секретный ключ": "", "[RU][GameStores или MoscowOVH] Сколько начислять денег на баланс": 30, "[IQEconomic or Economics or ServerRewards] How much money to add to the balance": 100 } }, "Interface Settings": { "Background color in the top 10 for 1st place": "1 0.8431373 0 0.49", "Background color in the top 10 for 2st place": "0.7529412 0.7529412 0.7529412 0.49", "Background color in the top 10 for 3st place": "0.8039216 0.4980392 0.1960784 0.49" } }